Network Myanmar


Elections Planned for August 2023 - Commentaries

Myanmar Election Watch Website

From the coup to something called an "election"

3 January 2023 - Mary Callahan: Frontier Myanmar

Political Parties Registration Law of 26 January 2023

Global New Light of Myanmar - 27 January 2023

       General Election 2020 in Myanmar

                     Sunday 8 November

Election Results

Extract Global New Light of Myanmar - 16 November 2020

Extract Global New Light of Myanmar - 17 November 2020

Extract Global New Light of Myanmar - 18 November 2020

Union Election Commission Announcement 268/2020 - 30 November 2020

Detailed statistics on the General Election - GNLM 2 December 2020 (1)

Detailed statistics on the General Election - GNLM 3 December 2020 (2)

Myanmar Information Management Unit - Election Results 2020

'IDEA' Fact Sheet on Election Methodology in Myanmar 2020

Critique of the UEC Analysis of Voter Fraud - Derek Tonkin 10 January 2023

A short selection of informed commentaries on the Election results

The Politics of Election Cancellations in Myanmar

Michael Lidauer: Tea Circle Oxford - 19 May 2021

Final Report on the Elections

ANFREL May 2021

Interim Report on the Elections

ANFREL December 2020

The 2020 Election in Myanmar: A Time for Ethnic Reflection

Transnational Institute: The Netherlands - 24 December 2020

From Elections to Ceasefire in Myanmar's Rakhine State

International Crisis Group - 23 December 2020

What's next for Myanmar's Military Proxy Party?

Sebastian Strangio: The Diplomat - 26 November 2020

Reelected Myanmar Leader faces calls for Constitutional Change

Radio Free Asia - 24 November 2020

Myanmar still loves Aung San Suu Kyi, but not for the reasons you think

Min Zin: New York Times - 23 November 2020

Image, Strategy and Friends with money: How the NLD did it again.

Ei Ei Toe Lwin: Frontier Myanmar - 21 November 2020

Western Media fail to grasp meaning of NLD's election win

Kya Phyo Tha: The Irrawaddy - 20 November 2020

Another landslide victory for ASSK's Party, but at what cost?

Richard Horsey: International Crisis Group - 12 November 2020

Background [Network Myanmar Files on the Wayback Machine]


1990 General Elections and Commentary

2010 General Elections: Analysis and Results

2012 By-Elections: Results, Analysis and Commentary

2015 General Elections: The Campaign

2015 General Elections: Results, Analysis and Commentary


Basic Documents

Myanmar Management Information Unit - Core Documents - Sep 2020 

NLD presents its policy, stance and work programmes - GNLM 18 Sep 2020

Website of the Union Election Commission (Burmese only)

Majority Rules in Myanmar's Second Democratic Election: ICG - 22 October 2020

Carter Center Election Observation Mission

In a preliminary statement issued on 10 November 2020, The Carter Center commended the efforts of the election administration, election contestants, citizen observers, media, and voters to overcome the challenges that COVID-19 presented to the conduct of Myanmar’s general elections.The Center found that voters were able to freely express their will at the polls and choose their elected representatives.

In a second pre-election statement released on 30 October 2020, The Carter Center noted that while COVID-19 related restrictions continue to impact the activities of the election administration, political parties, candidates, and observers, the election process remains broadly on course for voting to take place on 8 November 2020.

In an interim statement released on 13 October 2020, The Carter Center noted that on 2 July 2 the Union Election Commission had called elections to the national, state, and regional legislatures for Sunday, 8 November 2020. These elections are a critical moment in the consolidation of Myanmar’s ongoing democratic transition. 


Selected Articles prior to the 2020 Elections


Myanmar election will fall short of democratic standards 

Richard Horsey - Financial Times 10 September 2020

The future of Myanmar politics is deeply uncertain. Aung San Suu Kyi is 75 as she heads towards a second five-year term, with no apparent succession plan. The constitution requires civilian governments to share power with the military. Myanmar will only be able to solve its big problems - lack of peace, minority rights, the Rohingya crisis - if a civilian government with the vision to do so can bring the military onside. This election is unlikely to produce that result.


Myanmar: Election Fundamentally Flawed

Human Rights Watch - 5 October 2020

Electoral problems include discriminatory citizenship and other laws that bar most Rohingya Muslim voters and candidates; reservation of 25 percent of parliamentary seats for the military; criminal prosecutions of government critics; unequal party access to government media; and the lack of an independent election commission and complaints resolution mechanism.


Securing a Fair Election in Myanmar's Conflict Zones

Khin Khin Mra - New Mandala 13 October 2020

Myanmar’s election this year is marked by positive developments such as new levels of party competition, with participation by more than 90 parties. However, the inclusion and access of voters in Rakhine state remains a formidable challenge. Without active measures from the government to ensure voters can reach polling stations in the conflict-affected state, the integrity and legitimacy of the 2020 election will be in dispute. As the AA’s armed struggle appears increasingly attractive to young and first-time voters, Myanmar’s democracy cannot afford the appearance of another false promise.

Myanmar: Ethnic Politics and the 2020 General Election

Transnational Institute (TNI) - 23 September 2020

The 2020 general election is scheduled to take place at a critical moment in Myanmar’s transition from half a century under military rule. The advent of the National League for Democracy to government office in March 2016 was greeted by all the country’s peoples as the opportunity to bring about real change. But since this time, the ethnic peace process has faltered, constitutional reform has not started, and conflict has escalated in several parts of the country, becoming emergencies of grave international concern.

Myanmar elections another step towards democracy?

David I Steinberg - East Asia Forum 25 October 2020

With 93 political parties participating and some 37 million potential voters, Myanmar’s 8 November elections are an important step on an ill-defined road towards more representative, responsive governance. It is a road without a clear end, strewn with potholes and dangerous political, social and economic curves.

This election will be seen as another notch in the democratic process for Myanmar. It is likely to be generally free and fair. Restrictions will abound in the Rakhine region where fighting persists. The COVID-19 pandemic is also becoming more severe in Myanmar. Given these difficulties, the holding of a general election is progress in itself.


A Chinese View:  Ge Hongliang - Global Times 10 October 2020

Another Chinese View: Bi Shihong - Global Times 18 October 2020

An Indian View: Dr S Chandrasekharan  - South Asia Analysis Group 18 October 2020

Discussion Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand - Bangkok 15 October 2020

Discussion International Crisis Group - Youtube 26 October 2020

A Rohingya View: Tun Khin Washington Post - 14 October 2020

A Kachin View: Lahpai Seng Raw Transnational Institute - 8 October 2020

A Rakhine view: Khin Khin  Mra New Mandala - 13 October 2020

Myanmar's Election marks a step away from peace: Ben Dunant - 4 November 2020
